Thursday, September 28, 2006

X-Men and spreading the Gospel

X-Men 3 just got here to Japan and I saw it last week. I really like the X-Men movies...out of all the comic book/superhero movies, X-Men is my most favorite. I want to be a X-Men, a mutant. And I don't want to be the X-Men that merely does good, but that also uses their mutation to honor God and to make His Name known. So, after much thought, I decided that if I was to be a mutant, I would be "Plethora". I would be able to remember and apply everything I read, see, and hear. For instance, I would have started talking the day I was born because I would hear people talking and I would immediately know how to talk. I could read a book on car mechanics, and forever, I would know how to fix cars. Apply this to the mission/ministry world, I could read a book on the Japanese language, and I could speak it. Or I could merely immerse myself in the language and I could speak Japanese in a matter of hours. There are hundreds of languages/tribal languages/dialects the Bible has not been translated into...I could live with those people who speak that language, learn their language, and then sit down and translate the Bible for them. And if I ever get cured of my mutation, like in X-Men 3, I still have all the knowledge I had accumulated, I just lot my ability to remember and apply everything I read, see and hear. Thus, I would be "Plethora".
Liz says she would like to be in more than one place at once, so she could get more done (she would be "Busy Body" or "Busy Betty"). Chi said she would like to just think about a place and she would be there.
So, what mutant would you be?


Anonymous said... basically you want to be Dr. Sing?

LEW said...

hey girl! You are too funny. I love reading your blog. May your culinary genius take you places! :)

(from America)