Thanksgiving in Japan
This is our $50 turkey from Costco defrosting in my ofuro, or my Japanese tub. We named this 17 pound bad-boy Takachan.
Me...carving Takachan.
Beginning from the left and around the table...Akane, Mika, Yukiko, Shiona, me, Kaori, Ririko, Chihiro, and Megumi. Please note the beautiful table set-up.
Thanksgiving Buffet complete with instant mash potatoes, gravy, mac and cheese, stuffing, corn, rolls, olives, pickles, cheese and crackers, and an unfortunate event with my green bean casserole (it turned out a little runny and a little crunchy).
Shiona and I wanted to cook a Thanksgiving Dinner for our non-Christian friends. After two days of cooking, two trips to two different foreign markets, numerous runs to the internet to check recipes and conversion charts, shoving the oven door shut so the turkey would fit, and stealing tables, chairs, and Thanksgiving decorations from my missionary neighbors, we were ready to sit down and enjoy a wonderful dinner with our dear Japanese friends!
Katie dear, what a wonderful job you did with Thanksgiving dinner! Yes, it's a challenge to cook a turkey no matter where you are in the World. I wonder whether your lovely Japanese friends liked the taste of such traditional American food (?).
Delighted to hear that you get to come home for Christmas. Be safe in your travels back to Franklin.
Shanna @ FBC-Martin
Hello Katie,
I am SO impressed that you cooked such an beautiful Thanksgiving dinner. Although I have done this a few times myself, I am definitely domestically challenged and it strikes terror to my soul. I check your blog from time to time, and pray for you often. Have a wonderful New Year! You are loved!
Jane Ogg
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