Whew, I had a busy and crazy Easter weekend, but it was totally great! Saturday and Sunday, I went with some fellow missionaries to the island of Shikoku and we worshipped together Easter morning on top of a mountain. And then Sunday night, Liz, Shi, and I got together with some university girls Easter night and watched "Passion of the Christ" and got to go deep with those girls about Christ and what exactly His death on the cross means for us. Here's some pics of the weekend!
So, Japan has four major islands. I live on the biggest. But we went to the next big one south of us, but to get to it, you have to go through a little one. In between the little island and the island I visited, there are these whirlpools that are caused by the water passing in between the two islands. These pictures don't at all do justice showing whirlpools. Notice the boat of tourists going through the whirlpools.
Sorry for the bar in the way of the whirlpools, but it was the best picture I had of the whirlpools.
Me and Liz on a beach in Tokushima on Shikoku island. It's Easter weekend, middle of April, and I'm still wearing my winter coat...crazy Japanese weather.
This is a Japanese cemetery.
And inside this building is where many Japanese Christians are buried.
The city of Tokushima!
Liz, me, and Barb on top of the mountain overlooking Tokushima!
This is the world's largest suspension bridge and the most expensive bridge ever built. It connects my big island to a little island.
My supervisors, Mr. Ron and Mrs. Cindy!! They look really cool with their sunglasses, don't they?!