Mannequins Around the World
Yesterday Liz and I saw these hilarious mannequins in a kimono shop. I guess they're suppose to look like Westerners, but their expressions are so funny. You can see the price tag on the first kimono...280,000 yen...that's like $2800.
And seeing the mannequins in the Japanese store reminded Liz of the picture she has of her with a mannequin in Thailand. It's interesting how the mannequin-makers interpret what a Westerner looks like.
the sad thing is that there are actually some westerners who actually look like that. They are very funny looking.
Pastor Ashley Beagle
Decoursey Baptist Church
the sad thing is that there are actually some westerners who actually look like that. They are very funny looking.
Pastor Ashley Beagle
Decoursey Baptist Church
the sad thing is that there are actually some westerners who actually look like that. They are very funny looking.
Pastor Ashley Beagle
Decoursey Baptist Church
the sad thing is that there are actually some westerners who actually look like that. They are very funny looking.
Pastor Ashley Beagle
Decoursey Baptist Church
the sad thing is that there are actually some westerners who actually look like that. They are very funny looking.
Pastor Ashley Beagle
Decoursey Baptist Church
the sad thing is that there are actually some westerners who actually look like that. They are very funny looking.
Pastor Ashley Beagle
Decoursey Baptist Church
Seeing those mannequins reminds me of that 80s movie where the mannequin comes to life when shes alone with that guy, I think it was called SpaceCamp.
Bradley, I don't think it was called Space Camp :). But the mannequins remind me of the Christmas tv movie, "A Mom for Christmas", where the girl wishes she would get a mom and the mannequin in the mall comes to life and becomes her mom. Do remember that movie?
Hey Katie, Where've you been, I haven't seen you in like a year and a half? No, I haven't seen that movie, my favorite Christmas movie is Christmas Vacation so that's the only one I watch in december.
"Don't be fooled by the kimonos that she's got, she's still Katie from the block."
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
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