Whenever I have alot to do, I do the most unimportant things first. Thus, the randomness that follows...
- Full Name: Katie Jean Swarthout
- Where you named after anyone: My mom got Katie off a McDonalds commercial and Jean is my Grandma's name
- What do you like most about yourself: I think I'm funny and make people comfortable...I think
- When was the last time you cried: Yesterday...but it's a weekly event for me
- Have you ever sung into a hairbrush: Regularly, and I pretend I'm on "American Idol"
- What's your favorite lunch meat: Ham from the Kroger deli
- Any bad habits: I keep food too long in the fridge...I learned this from my roommate
- What's your most embarrassing CD: I have the soundtrack to the Broadway Play "1776" which is about the signing of the Declaration of Independence
- If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself: I hope so
- What word do you consistently misspell: restaurant
- What is the last book you read: "The Last Battle" by C.S. Lewis, the final book in the Narnia series
- What is your favorite piece of clothing: I loved my black turtleneck from Old Navy like crazy, but I wore it out and threw it away about a month ago...sniff, sniff
- Where is your second home: Franklin is my first, Martin is my second, Osaka is my third
- What is your current ringtone: "Stuck" by Stacie Orico
- Do you have a journal: yep, and I write in it often, and I can't use any other journal until that journal is completely full or a new year has began
- First thing you notice about opposite sex: hair...I'm not concern so much with appearance, but I don't like my boys to have more product in their hair than me
- Do you get along better with girls or boys: In America, both. In Japan, girls
- Would you ever bungee jump: Yep
- Do you untie your shoes when you take them off: Nope
- Do you think you're strong: Physically, a little bit...emotionally, a little bit
- What's your favorite color: blue, pink, and yellow
- How many wisdom teeth to you have: None
- Who do you miss the most right now: My Mom and Dad, my sisters, Grandma...I'm a big baby when it comes to my family
- What are you listening to right now: Barlow Girl (are they out of style?)
- Who was the last person you talked to on the phone: Shiona
- Who would play you in a movie: Cameron Diaz
- What place have you visited is your favorite: Disney World
- What's your eye color: Blue-grayish
- What is the last movie you watched: "In Good Company"...zzzzz
- What is your favorite day of the year: Any days in the middle of October...the weather is always perfect around that time
- How often do you check your email: how often do I reply to email is another story
- Do you floss your teeth: I do...just not daily
funny how I knew the answers to most of these. And you ARE funny Katie!
you are so wonderful. i am so exited that my Leighann and Kaleigh get to spend 10 days with you. take care of them and send them home safely. i am praying for you. pastor tom
In Good Company is a "good" movie. How could you not enjoy it?
Take care,
Topher Grace
Just's Jason Adkins. I hope all is well in Japan; Lacey and I are praying for you.
By the way we are about six weeks from our hitching...July 15, 2006.
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