Celebrating America's Birthday in Japan!
Time for a mandatory 4th of July entry! I had a wonderful 4th of July celebrating with fellow Americans and a few Japanese friends...complete with a BBQ and fireworks! Whoo-hoo!
Barb, me, and Liz (Please notice we are dressed in red, white, and blue...totally by accident). Not to toot my own horn, but I made that cake. I'm pretty proud of my improving domestic skills.
Can't have a 4th of July BBQ without Kraft Mac and Cheese (thanks to for a volunteer team!) and BBQ sauce (thanks to K-Mart in Guam).
Furthermore, can't have a BBQ without oatmeal chocolate chip cookies (thanks to Lizzy's mama), Pork and Beans (thanks to Mark and Jennifer), and overpriced watermelon (thanks to a local grocery store).
Lizzy the Chef!
Sitting outside for hours eating and eating and eating.
And fireworks!! Well, technically, not fireworks, merely sparklers, but you have to think positive! Here's Ai waving her fireworks.
Lizzy and Iko, who looks a little dangerous with a sparkler in his hand.
I had really good time with all of you.
Please tell them I was happy to meet them for the first time.
You got nice pictures!
I wrote about the day in my blog as well.
Check it out! Ai
and the cake looked really great and yammy!
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