Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Random things about Japan today...

  • It's hot...I say this sentence at least 8 times a day. Never has weather dictated my mood as much as it does here. I think not having central air has a little bit to do with this.
  • It's humid...I say this sentence at least 16 times a day. I grew up in Tennessee so I know humidity, but Osaka has humidity on steroids. Not even my miracle straight perm can withstand this humidity.
  • Below is me with Taisei, my old language teacher's, Yoshi, son. He's five months old and has soooo much hair! Have you ever seen a 5 month old with so much hair?! Please notice Taisei is modeling a pocket pouch bib in plaid made especially for him by my dear friend, Laura, through Lindy Hop Design. Doesn't Taisei look handsome in such a frock?

  • Today Liz got this package in the mail. Her friend sent her homemade cookies...and she used popcorn in place of those white curly Styrofoam things. It was a lot of popcorn. We'd like to eat it, but it's a little stale.

  • So it's official...my friend, Wendy, and her mom, Mrs. Valerie, are coming to visit me in October!! I'm pretty pumped! Wendy and I went to the same high school and church, and our mamas are friends. Wendy is now married and has a little boy, Fox (or Foxy!). Here's pic from Wendy's wedding shower at my house in 2004 (this was pre-handy dandy digital camera so it's poor quality...sorry!). It was Hawaii-themed in case you are wondering about the get-up...me, my mom, Wendy, Mrs. Valerie, Amber (her and her hubby just announced they are having a baby!), Megan, Kellie, and Ashley (who just returned from Guatemala after a year of missions!). More to come about Wendy later!!

  • Currently suffering from Post-Shiona Syndrome. Shiona made it safely back to Washington safely...but she is already stinkin' missed so much here! Our last photograph at the airport...sniff, sniff.
  • One of my goals right now is intense scripture memory. I want the Word to flow out of me and to constantly be on the tip of my tongue. Memorizing Galatians 1 right now. Some super good stuff and bold proclamations. "I want you to know, brothers, that the gospel I preached is not something that man made up. I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ." Galatians 1:11-12


Shio-chan said...

I miss you Keiko!!! And I am so jealous about the hotness and humidity (I never thought I'd say that). It is so dry here and stinkin' cold!!!

Anonymous said...

hey I talked to Shishi on msn today! I miss her too, and I miss you too already!
WOW popcorn in the box. very funny! maybee I'll try that someday.