Parked Cars and Old Prom Dresses
I know I have grumped about parked cars before, but recently I have just been more aware how tight and crowded it is. I've caught myself humming the Dixie Chicks song "Wide Open Spaces" several times. Last night, this car was parked in front of Liz and my house. The car is seriously ten inches away from our living room window and it's totally up in our bushes. We knew the person who owned the car so it's totally fine they parked there...only in Japan. has an article about how to look ten years younger. Guess what their #1 tip is? Not drinking water, not exercising, not seeing your doctor regularly. Their #1 way to look ten years younger is to always maintain the weight you had when you were 18. And a good measurement is to always be able to fit into your old prom dress. Riiiight.
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