Sunday, September 03, 2006

A Rundown of Randomness

  • Blogger has recently become Beta Blogger...not really sure what that implies, but I do know that now Blogger has lots of fun new options to make your blog a little more personalized. I changed a few colors and other little details, but mostly I stayed with the same 'ole format...I like blue.
  • Me and Adele have been having problems lately (Adele is my laptop...she's a Dell...get it, a Dell, Adele...hehe, I crack myself up). So for the first time since January 2005, I defragmented her and did a disk clean-up. She defragmented all night long and the next night she cleaned-up for a few hours. Let's just say that Adele and I are again friends.
  • So, Mr. Bradley Mayse made me some pictures and made my dream come true to be Deb. Here's me and Napoleon at school while he waits for his uncle to pick him up.

  • And Bradley made this picture of Napoleon and me. I've told Napoly over and over that I am in Japan doing missions, not modeling.

  • And Saturday I went to Colin's, the missionary kid next door, basketball game. His team won and it was so much fun. We had to take off our shoes before going into the gym, both teams bowed to each other before the game started, and then the teams bowed to the coaches, the refs, and to the audience when the game was over. And Colin did so good! Here he is in his uniform...Inano is the name of our train station. And in the other pic, he just scored for his team!


Anonymous said...

Hey, when is this friend of yours gonna make me a fun picture like these ones with you and Napolean?!! They're hilarious. Love the side ponytail on you Katie!

Anonymous said...

ROCK ON! haha