What I want to be when I grow up
My plane tickets to return home arrived this week...sniff, sniff. When my friend, Wendy, was here visiting, she took a very full suitcase home for me. And last week, when a missionary family went home for stateside assignment, they took a very heavy box back to ship to my parents' house. Even with two loads already gone, you can't tell it by looking at my bedroom. Anyways, I have been casually looking for a job for when I get back to the states. I have sent out my resume to a few places, but I'm in Japan, so it's not like they can call me in for an interview. Plus it's hard looking for a job when you aren't really sure what you want to do. I'm a walking contradiciton...I am completely content to live and work in Franklin, TN the rest of my life, but I also want to live on the West Coast or move to some random city and start a whole new life. I want to work in a Church/ministry and pour into believers and guide them to impact their communities, but I also want a completely secular job where I am around non-believers all the time and am pouring into them so that they may come to know Christ. I'm ready to settle down and I'm also ready to pack up and go wherever God leads next. So, because I'm not sure what is next, or where I will be six weeks from now, I have accumulated a list of possible next steps...
- Reality Television Star: I'm thinking "Amazing Race", but perhaps I could make it on "American Idol".
- Triathlete: It has been my dream to do a triathlon since college. I decided this year I was going to train for a half-marathon. I started training on Oct.1. I quit on Oct. 7. And I can't really swim. But I still think it would be cool to be called a triathlete.
- Kick Boxing Instructor: I have been taking kick boxing classes for several months now. Japanese are like the originators of martial arts, so I should be totally qualified to teach it.
- Novelist: I have an idea for a book I am going to write based on my experiences in Japan. John Piper and Jerry Rankin will write the Forwards. It will be a New York Times Best Seller. People Magazine will name me "Most Beautiful Author" in the 2007 Fifty Most Beautiful People issue. That is, if I ever sit down and actually write my novel.
- 9th Grade Social Studies Teacher: If I was going to teach, I would want to teach geography and culture to high schoolers. But I have to figure out how to get a teacher's license.
- Flight Attendant: When I was college, I said that if God's will for my life didn't matter, I would be a flight attendant. In Japan, flight attendants are so glamorized and you have "arrived" if you get hired as a flight attendant. It's kind of rub off on me, and now I really want to be a flight attendant.
- Movie Star: I want to be in a M. Night Shyamalan movie and I want to be in the movie adaptions of "The Testament" by John Grisham and play "Rachel" and in "Persuasion" by Jane Austen and play "Anne". That's it...that's all the movies I want to be in.
- Federal Agent: I want to work with Jack Bauer.
- Social Worker: This is probably the most likely career path for me. I want a job working as a Social Worker either in a nursing home (I love old people!), in an adoption agency (I love families!), or with refugees (I love people from other countries!). That, seriously, is the kind of job I am looking for.
there's a lot a "love" in your reasoning to be a social worker.
You are crazy about 24(^。^)
Look this site!! http://www.mi6.gov.uk/output/Page79.html
If you want take part in it, you have to marry English man☆
What about Survivor? have you completely lost interest in the almost original reality TV show? (MTV's real world is the original)
God has wonderful plans for you, and you will do great wherever He leads you. Remember Jeremiah 29:11! Come visit us in Texas when you have a chance! We miss you so much!
Did you finish the first season of 24? If so, what did you think of the ending???
Me, I want to be a guest star on Grays Anatomy or CSI.
Who knows maybe we will both get our wish one day!
I understand completely... sort of. I thought you and Liz were staring a "Match Making Biz". By the way, we haven't seen Yuka lately.
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