Monday, January 16, 2006

Quotes from the BCM Mission Team to Japan!

You can't possibly spend 8 days with four other girls in another country where you are together every second and not get some great classic quotes. Here's a sample of the craziness and silliness that was a constant part of our week...

    • Sam, in the crowded restroom, "I'm going outside." To which Lexie replies, "I wouldn't advise that."
    • After turning on the tv and seeing a Sumo tournament on, Lexie says, "They really have this?"
    • "I have rice in my hair," Amanda during dinner.
    • "Ugg, squatty potties..and they're like 70's squatty potties," Alyssa commenting on the bathroom facilities.
    • Katie: "I wonder what the Japanese would think if we wore those chopstick hair things in our hair? I guess it would be like if we saw them wearing forks in their hair in America."
    • "I use fork," Alyssa in Japan too long.
    • Lexie: "I feel like the theme of the week is...Japan."
    • Alyssa: "If I close my mouth and hiccup, I sound like a pig."
    • Daishi, a Japanese guy says to Amanda, "Have you experienced culture shock?" Amanda replies, "Well, there's a lot of Japanese people..."
    • Katie: "Yall use more ice and toilet paper than anybody else I know."
    • Sam, randomly in a Japanese furniture store: ""
    • Alyssa says, "I get homesick being away for one day. I don't know...I'm stupid." Lexie replies, "You're not stupid. You're a freshman."
    • "Pause, Jesus," Alyssa, when the cell phone rang while praying.
    • Amanda: "This guy said he went to Turkey, and that the turkeys worship..."
    • Alyssa to Katie: "I'm really going to miss your shower when I go home...oh, and you, too."

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